599|主体部分还是很考夫曼的观感不错但败就败在密集的台词上其实[纽约提喻法]里也有大量台词之所以它能看得下去而这部让人觉得无聊很大程度上取决于展示的方式——大段坐在车里的长对话在不了解意图的情况下多少还是有点沉闷没有原创故事的考夫曼似乎被原著拖住了手脚 PS:没有想象中的烧脑想看的可放心观看免费做爰短视频还是那句话:don't try to understand it, feel it
Ran away from others who ware trapped in her memories but drown herself in the end. If time is thought to be linear, we cannot turn our backs to the past or hide from it but to get drowned; or is it our single-dimensional thought that it is meant to be that way unconsciously